Tuesday 7 June 2011


Hasil Jemari Bulatku Biggy BunBam at Tuesday, June 07, 2011 0 Jejari Mulus
It's oredy 1 week..
It's getting worst..
Penat nye makan ubat..
Maaak..mok balit..

Friday 20 May 2011


Hasil Jemari Bulatku Biggy BunBam at Friday, May 20, 2011 0 Jejari Mulus
Me oredy submitted my report for my FYP..
What am i doin' here?
Juz accompanying my beloved Biggy Boo since he haven't settledown his report..

Menghayati jam2terakhir dok kat bilik 206, M20 KTDI ni..
Jap lagi me goin' to run here and there to settledown JPA's claiming matter pulak..
Hari yang penuh dengan movement..

Gonna balik Puchong at 4++ p.m wif my Biggy Boo...
Good bye JB..
I'm coming Puchong..
Wait for me Bintulu..

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Siap suda..

Hasil Jemari Bulatku Biggy BunBam at Wednesday, May 18, 2011 0 Jejari Mulus
Draft 1- CHECKED
Draft 2 -CHECKED
Margin - CHECKED
Encik Fauzi's Approval - Oh God, Please Save Me..

Saturday 14 May 2011

13 May 2011..Last Girlz day out..

Hasil Jemari Bulatku Biggy BunBam at Saturday, May 14, 2011 0 Jejari Mulus
:: As I said in my entry b4, yesterday i went mandi-manda with my kesayanganz..
:: Its quite exciting,but i just feel kinda sad..
:: Its becuz not all the kesayanganz joining the mandi manda..
:: Most of them are busy with their own business..
:: FYP-Balik kampung-Dating-ABC-etc.
:: So, instead of going with 23 gurlz..only 10 person take part..

:: We went mandi manda at Kota Tinggi Waterfall..
:: There are 10 of us:
:: Plus 2 sister of our member(shahirah n i dun remember the other one)

 :: We depart at 12.45 p.m..
:: Arrive about 2 p.m..
:: There are not so many people there becuz its weekdays..
:: Only few couples and families can be seen there..
:: The water is so cold that as I put my feet in it, the coolness can be feel up to my head..
:: We all mandi and play around as we pleased..
:: Then we went up to the swimming pool to feel some warm water..
:: Then we stuffed ourselves with the food that Pikachu brought..
:: B4 went there, Pikachu, Mazni, Ina have prepare some delicacies for us to stuffing up our tummies..
:: There are fried noodles, nuggets, and some chips..
:: Its yummy2..

:: About 5.30 pm, we stop and prepared to get back to hostel..
:: Its quite relieved that not many people went there yesterday..
:: So not much people in the bathroom..
:: About 5.45 pm, we return to hostel..
 :: In our way, me, esah and ecah went to pasar malam to buy things for dinner..
:: I bought a kebab and a cup of coconut water for my dinner..

:: Its so tiring..
:: When I reach the hostel, I take a bath, have my dinner, on9 for couple minutes and finally take a long sleep..


Thursday 12 May 2011

Habis yg xhabis2..

Hasil Jemari Bulatku Biggy BunBam at Thursday, May 12, 2011 0 Jejari Mulus
Selase last presentation..
Datz mean officially its d last time to b d student of UTM..
there are still things that haven't been settled..
The report of final year project..
So much leceh thing to be done..
Yet, I didn't manage to start anything..
 Other than settle down my work..
Me n my kesayanganz merayau2 n bersukesuki bersame2..
Tumolow, we are guing to mandi manda..
So..tonite need to settle all the small2 thing..


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